Friday, March 31, 2006

Weekend Plans...

Today I'm just cleaning. I cleaned out Princess's closet and put all her winter clothes in a storage box and then put her summer clothes in the closet (thanks, Cubanita!). Tonight is MNO! I'm so excited! We're gonna have a great turnout! I've already been looking at the menu and trying to decide what I want.

Nothing exciting going on tomorrow. A playgroup friend is coming to pick up the treadmill that Java gave me. Sorry, Java, I'm just lazy and never use it! It's going to a good home. :) Other than that, I think we're just kinda hanging out at the house.

Sunday is the fair! Lawnboy was going last night and Sunday and really wanted us to go, too, so he could watch Princess on the rides (and I think he wants to ride a few kiddie rides with her!). So we decided to go Sunday. Thursday nights are no good for us. I'm excited! I don't know if I'm more excited about watching her on the rides or eating all the yummy and fattening fair food. LOL I haven't been to the fair in years! Oh, they're also gonna have pony rides, I think. I'm so excited, I think Princess will LOVE that! Lawnboy wants to be there ALL day, so we'll just leave him there when we're done and he'll ride home with his Mom. She'll be there all day, too, with her other two sons, but he wants to hang out with us while we're there.

Monday, March 27, 2006


Okay, moody is normal for me...I'm a cancer. But I'm not moody, I'm just cranky and bitchy! I swear everyone has been pissing me off lately, over stupid shit! Okay, I might be exaggerating, not everyone is pissing me off. I am just in such a bad mood and I'm starting to feel like everyone/thing is against me. I think I've been able to keep my mood to myself so far, but if I snap at anyone, I'm apologizing now! LOL Can I do that? A pre-apology.

"Dear Friends...I'm in a bitchy mood and I apologize if I bite your head off in the near future."

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Tired and Hungry

Well, mostly hungry. LOL I've been eating every 3 hours. Why? Because I'm STARVING! I've still been nauseous, but usually just when I'm hungry or have heartburn. I also haven't been taking my prenatals. Sailor already lectured me on it once this week, they're just so nasty! I hate taking the huge pills, so I got chewables. That was going great, and I took them every day before I got pregnant. Right around the time I started on my Clomid, I ran out of prenatals, so I get a refill. The new pills look exactly like the old ones...but the flavor is different. Very different and very bad. So latelyI haven't been able to take them. I was taking them with my coffee so the coffee would mask the taste kindof. I'd have to chew them and swallow them but then I could rinse it out real quick. Now that I'm not drinking coffee, that's not so easy. I think I'd rather swallow the huge pills than chew these nasty things. Maybe if I flush them all and get a refill, I'll get better tasting ones. Of course, I'd be wasting $9, but isn't my baby's health worth it?

Luckily, Princess still takes naps, but I have a feeling she's very close to giving them up. I really hate naps because I always wake up feeling groggy and worse than I did before I took the nap, but lately, I've been tired enough not to care how I'll feel when I wake up. LOL I even put Princess down for a nap half an hour earlier today cuz I couldn't stay awake.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Woo Hoo!

I'm 8 weeks! I take 1 more dose of progesterone, and then I'm done with the meds. The doctor said that at about 8 weeks, my placenta will start producing the progesterone, so I won't need the supplements. I'm so relieved to be 8 weeks. My miscarriages were mostly at about 5 weeks, so even though I knew I'd be fine this time, I was very relieved when I made it to 6 weeks. But now that I'm 8 weeks, the risk is MUCH lower! Of course, being nauseous and seeing the heartbeat eased my mind alot, too!

Not much to update today, been a slow weekend. I haven't felt as nauseous as I did all week, so I ran a load of dishes and took out all the trash, and folded some of the laundry that's piled in the living room. I'm hoping today to do another load of dishes, fold and put away the rest of the laundry, and wash another 2 loads of laundry.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


There is only ONE baby! As soon as the doctor located my uterus on the screen (without saying anything), Princess said "baby". Okay, my little 1/4" baby looks nothing like a baby right now, especially on that tiny screen, but somehow she knew it was a baby. So sweet! I thought that was really cool, kids really are so perceptive. I have a picture of my little jelly bean, sooo tiny! According to the u/s measurements, I'm 7 weeks, 2 days, due on Oct 30. According to my calculations, I'm 7 weeks, 3 days, due Oct 29. And according to my doctor's calculations, I'm due Oct 28. So, I guess I'll just stick with the 29th since it's in the middle. We saw the heartbeat, and everything looks great! I'm so excited!

About the delivery...some of you know that I had complications delivering Princess. I pushed for 3 1/2 hours, had really bad tearing, and was in labor forever. Because of this, and because we're hoping to arrange for Sailor to come home for the birth, I was thinking of going with a c-section next time. I discussed this with my doctor, and he said we can wait and see how I look (dilated/effaced/dropped/etc) and decide to pick a date for the c-section or pick a date for inducing. So, looks like I'll get to pick the birthday for this one.


Jaws and my friend, Jess, both want me to have boys, but Jaws thinks I'm having a girl. Java and JC both have a feeling I'm having a girl. Lawnboy told me I'm having twin boys. And last night, we read Princess her Big Sister book and after the book, I asked her where her baby is. We do this every time I read her the book so that she'll get the connection. Then I lift my shirt and tell her that her baby is in Mommy's belly. She said "baby boy". What?! She'd never said boy or girl before, at all...just not in her vocabulary. And then she repeated herself and said "baby boy" again. I really can't picture myself with a boy, so I have a feeling I'm having a girl, too, but it's not a strong feeling. I really don't know. We will find out today about the twin thing, but will have to wait a couple months before we know the sex. LOL

Monday, March 13, 2006


I have heartburn already! Ugh! I've been feeling nauseous the past couple days, but haven't been sick...the heartburn has been making me nauseous! I finally gave in and took a Zantac, so just waiting on it to kick in. My jeans weren't helping, either. I was attempting to wear regular jeans today because I only have 1 pair of maternity pants that fit (the rest have the big panel) and 1 pair of regular jeans that fit...and the jeans were cutting into me and making me feel sick. So, I broke down and bought 2 pair of maternity jeans at Penney's, on sale for $12.99 each! Woo Hoo! I love them, they're so comfortable! I put them on right after I bought them so that I could make it through the day. LOL

It seems it's the season for boys. Three of the Moms in the playgroup are due in July (including Water)...within a week of eachother, and they're ALL having boys! Crazy! Desert Flower is also having a boy. Lawnboy keeps telling me that I'm having twin boys...I hope he's wrong! I don't think I can handle a toddler and twin boys with no hubby. I'm not due til October, maybe the boy season will be over by then. I really have no preference, I love having a girl, but it'd be nice having a boy, too. Sailor really wants a boy, but we are planning on having more than 2, so I really don't care what the sex of this one is. I am anxious to find out, though.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Busch Gardens

Yesterday was our trip to Busch Gardens! We had soooo much fun and were soooo exhausted when we left! We rode the skyride and the train, saw some animals, rode some kiddie rides. Princess rode a mini train all by herself! That was her first solo ride ever! I cried. LOL I came close to crying several times over the day, actually. I was just so proud of her for not being scared, she's such a big girl! After the little train, she rode on a motorcycle carousel. She had fun, and then wanted to ride the train again! She also rode some ride with swings, that went around in a circle and up and down. She was fine on it, but didn't really like it that much. And then there were some teacup type things that went around, all 3 of us rode that one. That was the only ride that I could go on. LOL Sailor and Princess also rode on the water flute ride, Princess LOVED it! They looked like they had so much fun, and right before the ride ended, Princess looked at Sailor and said "I like this!". I can't believe she's old enough for all of this stuff! I really wanted to go on the water flute ride with them.

We still haven't unloaded the van, so I haven't uploaded pics yet. I didn't take very many, I was just too busy to take pictures of everything! And we really didn't do alot, the boys (Lawnboy and his friend...we'll call him Sonic because he won a HUGE stuffed sonic yesterday) rode on almost all of the roller coasters...some of them several times! LOL But me and Sailor and Princess had no schedule and just relaxed and did what we wanted to do. We only met up with the boys a couple times. LOL They were busy! I didn't get ANY pictures of Lawnboy or Sonic, we just didn't see them enough! We had walkie-talkies and cell phones to keep in touch, though.

We finally left at 7, but took us like 20 minutes to get out of the parking lot. We decided to go to Denny's for dinner...big mistake! We got there just after 7:30 and STILL didn't have our food at 8:45 when we got up and left. Over an hour! That's just rediculous. We were all exhausted and still had a 3 hour drive ahead of us, no time to wait around forever for food! We got home (after stopping at a few gas stations on the way) at about 10 til midnight. I was so proud of Naala, she went ALL day without peeing! I thought for sure she'd pee on the floor cuz we left her for so long, but she made it all day!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I think I'm Pregnant

My symptoms so boobs are soooo sore! I can't sleep on my tummy anymore cuz it squishes my boobs. :( I've also been really tired and hungry...and when I'm not tired, I still have no energy! Oh, and I'm moody and emotional. I cried watching Related last night. Okay, last week's episode was really sad (she lost her baby), but this week's episode, really wasn't that sad. Sailor laughed at me. LOL I've also been uncomfortable in my jeans already, I just feel like they're cutting into me even though they're not really tight. I wore maternity clothes on Saturday and felt so much more comfortable! I feel like a cow, I shouldn't need maternity clothes at only 6 weeks! When I was pregnant with Princess, I was perfectly comfortable in my regular clothes until about 5 months. While I'm excited about shopping for maternity clothes, I'm not so excited about the looks I'm gonna get when I'm already wearing the maternity clothes and I tell people that I'm only 6 weeks. Good news...only 7 more applications of the progesterone! Yay! I'm almost 2/3 of the way done with it! Oh, and more good news...NO MORNING SICKNESS!!! YAY!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Orders are HERE!

Finally! Our estimate was right, we were thinking June/July and the orders say to report to Greece no later than July 17. I feel better now knowing when he has to be there. We have SO much to do before then! We still have to make our wills, do a power of attorney, close in the garage, make a new budget...we have 4 months left, I hope we can get it all done (and get the money to do the garage)! Sailor's going to be taking a month of leave before he goes, so that should give us a chance to finish everything.