Friday, July 14, 2006


I need to get this off my chest and don't want to say anything to Sailor about it. He's been going out with the guys almost every day for the past week. I'm not upset about that, I'm happy that he's making friends and that they're being so welcoming and keeping him from getting lonely. But, he called me this morning and was supposed to get online after work and never showed up. I knew he was going out, but we still had some financial issues to discuss and I feel like I kinda got shoved off because he was busy with the guys. I don't know what his life is like there and I'm sure he's lonely and misses us...but it's so hard dealing with everything here by myself. I still have to pay the bills and make sure he has enough money...regardless of whether or not I have enough money to live off of. I still have to deal with Princess, who has become extremely stubborn and refuses to listen to me. I still have to deal with my own emotions and stresses because he's gone. And, I still have to stress out because the house is STILL not done and not on the market and I have no clue when it will be. Why is it that he gets to go out every day while I'm here crying nonstop? I've never dealt with stress well, I just never really learned how to, I guess. I really miss him and I wish he was home, but I hate that I have SO much stress to deal with while he's out having fun. I hate that I'm upset every single day and I really hate that when he hears from me, it's more often negative than positive. I do know it's not easy for him to be away from us, and I know that I should be positive to make it easier on him, but I just can't keep it all bottled up. I really wish we would've picked different orders. The plus side of him being gone and me living with his parents, though, is I've finally had a chance to be more comfortable around his parents. This has definitely made me closer to them. I never spent much time with them before, just a couple hours here and there.

ETA: Well I feel really bad now. Sailor just called and aparently right after he hung up with me this morning, he got a call and him and a couple other guys have been working since then. It was 11:30pm his time when he called. I can't believe he had to work so late! I feel really bad now, thinking he just ditched me to hang out with the guys. So, I was able to quickly discuss a couple financial issues I had so that I can get it all straightened out.


Blogger Mary said...

Glad he finally called you.... you got yourself so worked up! I know it's hard, please try not to stress so much, you know it's not healthy for you and the baby!

7/17/2006 2:04 PM  
Blogger ::Ali:: said...

I know it is easier said than done, but you have to not let stress get to you right now!
I am glad he called though!! and that he was just working!

7/18/2006 7:14 PM  
Blogger JC said...

I am glad that he called youand you got to take care of some things. I was thinking maybe the reason he's going out with the guys is because he is lonely and don't want to be alone. I am sure this is hard on him to. You need to take it easy and try not to stress to much. I know easier said then done. I'm sure everything will work out for ya's.

7/20/2006 8:53 AM  

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