Thursday, June 08, 2006


I know it shouldn't bother me, I shouldn't care what people think, but it really bothers me when people say they don't like the name we picked out. We obviously love the name or we wouldn't have chosen it for our daughter, so why would someone tell us that they don't like it? Do they think we'll change our minds because they don't like it? Are they trying to hurt our feelings? I just don't get it. My mom taught me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, not to say anything at all...yet she is constantly saying mean things! She's made it pretty clear that she's not Sailor's biggest fan and now says she doesn't like the name. When I told it to her yesterday, she said "ick" in response to the middle name. Why would she say that?! She said that the first name was pretty, but then today said that it doesn't sound very feminine. What? How is it not feminine? I just don't get it. For those that don't know, the name we picked is Havyn (or Haven, not sure on the spelling yet) Elaine. Elaine is Sailor's Mom's middle name. Princess has my middle name, which is also my Mom's middle name. We didn't really name her after me and my Mom, but I did love that she had the same middle name as both of us. I didn't set out to give my daughters names with meaning, my goal was to give them names that I love. But, if it works out that way, I think it's great. I really like both of my girls' first and middle names. I would never choose either of their middle names as first names, but think they're a great fit for the first name. I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it really does. Why can't she just not say anything at all? Why can't she just say "It'll take some getting used to" instead of saying she doesn't like it? I think it's a generational thing. I obviously am not going to like the same things as my parents and their generation...but that doesn't mean that what I like is bad or what they like is bad, we just have different tastes. I'm really bummed about it, I wish I could just tell her how I feel...maybe I should email her since I'm so unconfrontational. Sorry for boring y'all, just felt like I needed to get that off my chest.


Blogger water said...

Flyboy's mom was the same way with Monkey and AJ's names. She said they were "black", racist B. Anyhow it shouldn't matter what people think, if you guys like it then people will get over it!

6/09/2006 3:11 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

I love Hayvn and I like either way you choose to spell it! I would have never thought of Elaine but together it does sound really pretty. Does your Mom know it's Sailor's moms name?

My mom was the same way with Isabella, she wanted me to name the baby after her... ugh no thanks! But I just laughed at her and said sorry, that's her name! She never gave me any problems with the other two names. Oh well... that's the name you picked, they should respect that!!

6/09/2006 7:11 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

When I first told her the name, she didn't know. I told her after she responded with "ick". Sailor's Mom just said "it'll take some getting used to", that doesn't bother me at all and is the perfect way to handle it if you don't care for the name...but to respond with "ick" before you're even asked your opinion is just rude! Even when asked, you should find a nice way to put it, you know?

6/09/2006 7:35 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

Yep, I agree!!

6/11/2006 11:16 PM  
Blogger ::Ali:: said...

Just ignore them..really.. I love the name it is very pretty and I am sure it will suit your little girl quite nicely!
I think it is wonderful that you want to name the baby after Sailor's Mom!

6/12/2006 10:49 AM  

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