Friday, July 07, 2006

Another Update

My Dad called yesterday morning and wanted me to come over to visit last night. So after dinner, I went over. They were both pretty much just ignoring the whole issue and acting kinda like nothing happened. I waited and waited for my Mom to bring it up, but it just didn't happen. It was getting late, so I asked if she wanted to talk about it before I left. She denied telling her coworkers that Sailor's abusive, but did say that she thinks he's mentally abusive. I told her he's not at all abusive. She discussed his parenting skills and I defended him and told him he's a great father and loves Princess and she loves him. She said that he's a liar and that she doesn't trust him and she's scared for me. She also said that she's not doing any of this to be mean, but because she loves me and wants to protect me...and that she's not the only one that feels this way. I told her I wasn't going to make a decision one way or the other based on what everyone else thinks, it's my life and I'm happy with it. I told her that he's my husband I love him and he loves me and that's not going to change. There wasn't any yelling, luckily, but she was very adament about her opinion of him. That's not going to change. He's still not welcome over there. She hopes that one day, I'll just wake up and see him for how he really is. She said that her and my Dad would help me get back on my feet, etc, and that I shouldn't feel trapped. I told her I'm not trapped, I'm happy. She offered to show me the list of all the lies she's caught him in...I declined. I'm not interested, reading her list isn't going to do anything but lead her to believe I'm considering what she's saying. I'm not. She doesn't live with him, she doesn't know how he really is. I'm glad that the discussion is over, but I really don't feel any better. I don't think she's even though about the consequences of all of this if I don't leave him (which I won't). She just assumes that I'll see things her way. I'm now living with my in-laws, I told my Mom that I'm not gonna live somewhere where my husband isn't welcome, especially since he'll be home in a few months for the baby's birth and I really don't want that to be a stressful time. She said, "oh, it will be". What the hell is that supposed to mean? How does she expect to be there to see my daughter when she's born? She was in the delivery room with Princess, but that's obviously not happening this time. I refuse to let that be a stressful time for me. My husband will be back, we'll be having another beautiful baby, and it's going to be a happy time. How am I supposed to be comfortable going over there and visiting? I don't feel like I can even mention Sailor's name around them. I am sorry that they're feeling hurt about this and that they feel like their losing me, but it is my life and I will make my own decisions. If they agree with my decisions, great...if not, oh well. I just don't know what to do about it all. I at least feel good about dealing with it and standing up for him...even though it didn't do a bit of good or change anything, I'm sure it'll mean alot to Sailor. If it was the other way around and his parents were talking crap about me, he'd be here dealing with it and sticking up for me...I had to do the same.


Blogger JC said...

Good for you Blue for sticking up for yourself and Sailor. I'm sorry you are going through all of this right now it's got to be hard on ya. I am just now getting to know you and to me you seem happy and like I've said before that should be all that matters and further more it is no ones business on how you or Sailor's parenting skills are unless the child was getting hurt which we all know is not happening. Why would your mom keep a list of lies she thinks Sailor has told?

7/07/2006 8:21 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

I'm so sorry all of this is happening. They are adults, if they were adult enough to say it, be adult enough to own up to what you've said and make things right!

We've known you guys for two years... have even stayed in your home AND had dinner out with you more than once, I have no issues!!! lol!

7/17/2006 1:52 PM  
Blogger ::Ali:: said...

Sorry your family is doing this to ya.. A list? She has a list of YOUR Husbands lies?
It is like she is trying to make your marraige fall apart, that is not right..

7/18/2006 7:21 PM  

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