Friday, June 23, 2006

Moving Update

We've been busy! It's been so hard to pack and move while trying to make sure we don't pack anything we need until the last minute. We've also had to sort everything into 5 different categories (put in storage, go with Sailor, go with me, throw away, sell). It's been a very stressful move! Our status now? Princess has no furniture. Her bed and house are in storage, as well as her dresser...and we gave away her tv. She's very distraught over all of this. She keeps saying "watch a movie? it's gone!", referring to her tv. She also keeps asking where her house is. I feel so bad for her! It's gonna be very tough sharing a room with her since she's been in her own room since 10 weeks. My brother is looking for an apartment and I don't want to rush him out, of course, but I would love for Princess to have her own room...and, of course, she won't have that until he moves. When he moves out, I'll be able to give Princess back her bed and house...I know she'll be excited! I know that sounds a little selfish, but can you imagine sharing a room with an independant 2 1/2 year old and a newborn? We also put the 65" and the 27" tv's in storage, as well as Princess's bed frame (she hasn't been using it, it's been under my bed cuz it's so tall), our China, our couch (huge sectional with 2 recliners and a queen-size pull out bed...that was fun!), our freezer, one of Princess's bookcases (I'm taking the other with me), and mine and Sailor's dressers. What's left? The kitchen! That's been last because we've been afraid to pack the stuff up and then need it. I also have made one trip to unload the van at my parents' house with toys and clothes and will be making another tomorrow morning to unload more clothes, the crib, baby stuff, etc. After that, I'll pack up the rest of the stuff that's going with me and put it in the van and bring it on Sunday. Other than the kitchen, just our bed and the office is left. We're both getting laptops next week so that I won't need to bring my big desk and computer with me, I'll just bring a small stand that has a file drawer in it. We still have alot of packing to do, but it's mostly dishes and smaller items...although, that is the hardest part. Our goal is to have everything out of here by Sunday...Monday at the latest. On Monday, we'll be getting the money from the bank, ordering our laptops, buying the carpet and flooring, and paying off some credit cards. After that, we'll buy some paint and get started on painting and ripping the carpet out. How we're going to do this with Princess around, I have no clue. I'm kinda hoping it'll just work out. Right! Once the painting is done, the carpet will be getting installed and we'll be putting down the flooring in the bathrooms, foyer, and kitchen. And then, we're done! Hopefully all of this can get done by this time next week so that we can have the house listed by the 1st of July. Hopefully. Wish me luck and as little stress as possible, please!


Blogger Jaws said...

Wow! That sounds like a crazy busy weekend!!

6/24/2006 12:25 PM  
Blogger JC said...

Wow sounds like you guys have been very busy. Please take it easy. I wish you luck with everything and I'm sending you stress free vibes =)

6/24/2006 10:08 PM  
Blogger Jaws said...

I agree with M23,

I ended up having to be induced after we moved into our apt. because I insisted everything get done in two days.

Gotta love nesting.

6/25/2006 12:29 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

LOL! I'm not much of a nester. In one of my classes that I took with Princess, they said that different women nest in different ways. Some go crazy cleaning, etc, and some go shop crazy. I'm a shopaholic anyway, but I'm definitely more into shopping and making sure I have everything that I could ever possibly need. Definitely not there yet, though, I've only bought 2 outfits and 8 bottles for the baby...that's it! LOL

6/25/2006 12:53 PM  
Blogger ::Ali:: said...

WOW You guys are getting alot done. GOOD LUCK..I hope you get evrything done by your goal date!!

6/25/2006 6:05 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

You've gotten SO much done... wow you guys have worked your tails off! If you need to take a phone break give me a holla! I know how you love to get stuff done while on the phone! :)

6/26/2006 1:19 AM  

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