Thursday, December 01, 2005

People Piss Me Off!

Anyway, there's this guy that works with Sailor. He has one of those charming personalities so you can't help but like him...and then he does something stupid. I used to get so mad at him, and then I'd see him, and forget all about it. It drove me crazy that he could have that affect! I wasn't attracted to him or anything like that, but I really cared about him as a friend and he was just such an ass! His wife is psycho and jealous of EVERYONE, they would get in these terrible fights and she'd yell and cuss and hit him in front of their son! He let her walk all over him. Anyway, in June they finally split up. She went to Texas (where her family is) and took the boy with her. He started dating someone that he works with and then he let her walk all over him, too! She's a really sweet person, but if one person in a relationship lets the other win all the time, they're gonna take advantage of it...I've been on both sides of that before I figured out the whole 50/50 thing! Anyway, they split up a couple months ago and he got back together with the psycho wife. She searched his phone bill and found 2 phone calls from the ex-girlfriend and freaked out (if they work together, isn't it possible that they might need to talk to eachother from time to time? And twice in a month...not much of an affair!). She called the shop to announce she was coming in and then she walked in and had a meeting with the Khakis. She told them that her husband was cheating on her with this girl (which could get him kicked out of the Navy) and was causing a big scene. The bosses didn't bite, they knew what was going on. So she basically just tried to ruin her husband's career...and he didn't do anything! The guy has no balls. He was hiding while his wife was trying to get him kicked out of the Navy instead of just stepping up and explaining the situation. Idiot! Anyway, we thought he was a friend the whole time, and even let him stay with us when his wife left him in June. And what does he do? Stabs my husband in the back and talks shit about him so that he could be supervisor. I guess something good did come out of it all, though, because now I know what kind of person he really is. No more forgiving him this time! This happened a while ago, I don't know why I'm blogging about it now, guess it was just getting to me. There are other people (too many, probably) that I've had in my life before that just have magnetic personalities yet I really don't like's just hard to see that when I'm with them. It's funny what opens your eyes to some people. I had this boyfriend when I was 16 that was a total jerk and used to beat me...yet I did nothing! I let him blame me for it every time and didn't see him how he really was until I caught him lying to me about something stupid. Why did I leave him over the lying and not the beating? Who the hell knows! LOL Guess I'm a little slow sometimes.


Blogger Mary said...

There are so many people like that in this world. No backbone. I'm sorry you had to find out, it's hard to see it when you are a friend to someone, you never want to see their faults till it's too late.

12/03/2005 4:41 PM  

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