Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I had a very busy day planned. I picked up Jaws and Dominator and we all went to base and met Sailor for lunch. After lunch, Sailor informed me that he might be going to Louisianna at the end of the month to help recover dead bodies (ewwww). I was okay with it, though, it's only for a week or two, I think he said, so no big deal. I'd prefer he be going over there to help keep people in line, but at least he's going to be put to use. But now that I've had time to think about it, can't he catch diseases from the water there? After lunch, we went to the hospital to get Princess's height and weight checked for WIC. She's 23 1/4 pounds and 2'8". After that we went to deliver the scrapbooking stuff that Kate ordered from me, then I dropped Jaws and Dominator off and then went to WIC. Then I came home, put Princess down for a nap and when Sailor got home, I went to Wal-Mart. Last night was Coffee Night. It was supposed to be at Ben & Jerry's, but it was kinda crappy weather for ice cream, and the store was really small. There were 6 people in it (we were still in the car) and once all those people sat down, there'd be 2 chairs left for all of us. So, we went to Books-A-Million! It was a great night, we all read People and drank our coffee and made fun of the "best dressed list". Oh, and had some yummy dessert! We were approached by a really nice man while we were there that told us that he's a cop in New Orleans. Him and his wife and son are staying here with his wife's family and trying to decide if they're going to go back or not. He feels like he should, it's his home and he has a job to do there, but she wants to stay here. He's pretty torn and has to make a decision quickly. I feel so bad for him. I had nothing to give to him, but I really felt like I should be doing something. I boxed up some clothes over the weekend while I was cleaning my closet, but I'm going to go through some more stuff today (so far it's just some shorts and jeans).


Blogger water said...

Chubs is 23.5 lbs also, but is almost a year younger than Princess. I spaced on ice cream night, I was in bed at 8pm last night though!! :)

9/07/2005 8:41 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

LOL! Princess has always been a bit on the skinny side, and Chubs is pleasantly plump! She definitely looks like a breastfed baby!

9/07/2005 11:12 PM  

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