Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Why am I sooo lazy? I made up a list of chores and put a couple small things on each day's schedule. Yesterday, all I had to do was load the dishwasher, wipe the kitchen counters, and wash, dry, and fold 1 load of laundry. What did I do? I went to a playdate. Last night, I managed to empty the dishwasher and load most of the dishes, but then got tired of doing dishes, so I watched tv. I even had the tv on while I was doing the dishes. And Sailor was in the living room so I wasn't so loney (the kitchen faces the living room and you can see the tv from the sink and dishwasher). But I still couldn't finish them. So today I have to make up for that and do today's chores, which is empty the dishes (that I still haven't finished loading) and clean the bathrooms. One day, I will have a live-in maid and will be allowed to be as lazy as I want. LOL


Blogger Blue said...

LOL! My maid would be a live-in chef/maid. She'd also babysit when needed. Now if only I could find a job to make enough to afford her!

8/18/2005 8:36 AM  

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