Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I went today to take another blood test and my HCG went down. I'm going to be seeing someone in a month to find out why I keep having miscarriages, but I've been instructed not to get pregnant before then. Me and Sailor are very disappointed and not handling this one well. With the first one, it was hard, but miscarriages are pretty common and most women have one at some point, so we dealt with it. With the second one, it was just as hard, but we knew we got pregnant with Princess right after the 1st one, so we just hoped that we'd get pregnant again right away. This time, it's the hardest. This time we have to deal with wondering what's wrong with me. I want to just curl up in bed and just stay there til my next doctor's appt. I was planning on telling the family today in an email. I send out an email to family once a month to update everyone on Princess. Since she was born on the 9th, I send the update every month on the 9th. I think this one'll probably be a little late, I haven't even typed it up yet. But, I was planning on putting that Princess is going to be a big sister in the update. I'm going to be calling tomorrow to see if I can get an appt with a therapist.


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