Friday, September 22, 2006


I'm so tired of people giving me their opinions when I don't ask! Every time I see my Mom, she criticizes Princess's hair and says she's too young to have long hair and she needs bangs to keep her hair out of her face. I don't want her to have bangs and it's really my decision how her hair is cut. I'm now a little worried that she's going to just get her hair cut while babysitting one day.

My MIL is a nurse and has decided to start "diagnosing" Princess...constantly! If she has a frog in her throat or a little cough or something, she'll say "You don't sound good at all! Is she getting sick?" And the other night, she said "She's way too pale, she needs to go outside more...or get tested for anemia." Ugh! I'm not one to run to the doctor for every little face, she's been to the doctor (other than well check-ups) twice. If she has a fever, I'll give her tylenol or motrin IF it seems to be bothering her...but I don't give it to her near as much as they say to. I'll usually just give her a dose twice a day instead of every 4 hours. I don't see the point in making a big deal about every little thing and it bugs me when others do.

Sorry, just had to get that off my vent for the day.


Blogger JC said...

I know how you feel I get well maybe you should do this or maybe you should do that and it drives me crazy!!!!

9/23/2006 10:37 AM  
Blogger ::Ali:: said...

UGH I hate that too!!
Some people don't know when enough is enough...

9/23/2006 3:08 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

:( I'm so sorry... they're definitely not making things easy for you huh?! I know you're not the type to be controversial but since it's something they wouldn't expect maybe you should just speak up and tell them to mind their own business!

9/24/2006 2:50 PM  

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