Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Meeting (and other stuff)

I went to LadyBug's today for a meeting with her and Marge about JNB. We got alot accomplished! Princess had fun playing and eating and watching tv. We went over all of the playgroup files and revised some files and added a few new files. We changed the calendar, discussed memberships, and figured out what our different leadership roles are. It went great! LadyBug was all organized and had a bunch of stuff printed out for us to start with, and had food for us. I left feeling much happier about JNB than I have in the past! LadyBug, thank you so much for hosting us and feeding us! Thank you both for all of your help!

On the way home, I looked back at Princess and she was covering her eyes and counting. Then she'd uncover them and start talking and point...I think she was playing hide and seek! LOL It was so cute! I don't remember her exact words, and I couldn't understand all of them, but I think she was playing hide and seek. With what? I don't know...maybe the trees? It was while we were on the bridge. Weird girl!

There's nothing I really care about watching on TV tonight, so I figured I'd get started on my Christmas Cards (I got the pictures in the mail from Snapfish yesterday). So I go to my storage box that I keep the cards and gift wrapping supplies in...and we don't have any cards! I thought I got them last year at the day after Christmas sales, but I guess I didn't go shopping last year. I have some cards leftover from the last 3 years, as well as some mixed leftover cards that Sailor's parents gave me (they don't celebrate anymore), but no new cards! So guess I need to go buy some. I was all excited about getting a start, too! Oh well.

Oh, update...I feel much better today. I'm not bleeding anymore and feel normal (well, normal for me, that is). But now we have to decide if we're going to try for another right now. I know it seems silly to go through all this work and then change my mind, but everything was so carefully planned and now it's all screwed up. I wanted our kids to be close in age, so we started trying right around Princess's first birthday...and I got pregnant right away. Then lost that baby and got pregnant again in July, and lost that one. So if I get pregnant next month, I'm a year behind and my calendar's not looking as good this year! If Sailor is able to change rates, he'll be going to school and I don't know if I'm going with him or not. If he doesn't change rates, we'll be moving next summer. So if I get pregnant now, I'll either have to move during the pregnancy or have the baby without Sailor. I just don't know. I'm glad we went through this, though, because even if it isn't the right time, at least when we are ready again, we can start right away instead of testing for 3 months first.


Blogger April said...

Wow, you've been a busy little Blue, today! LOL I'm glad you're feeling good about JNB. That has got to be such a NEEDED resource for military families. I am sorry you feel that your calendar is all out of whack for possibly having another one. You two will figure it all out, I'm sure . . . but you need to stop analyzing so much and do what your heart tells you to do! I am glad to hear that you're doing better today.

12/06/2005 9:12 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

Yayy I'm SO glad that you guys had the meeting, I hope that the resources from JP helped too!

You do what you feel is right, you shouldn't feel pressured to try just because of the procedures you're going through.

You know we're all here for ya!!

12/06/2005 11:07 PM  
Blogger water said...

I have found with Chubs was without losing my babies and having a hard time getting preggo Flyboy would have missed her birth, he was gone from 12 weeks till 37 weeks and then we moved when she was 9 weeks old. Everything worked out when we just let stuff happen. So it will work out in the end!! :)

12/07/2005 8:52 AM  

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