Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Potty Power?

We got a DVD called Potty Power, which we really liked, and we got a couple Potty books...all from the library. We've been slacking on having Princess watch her DVD, but I don't really "need" the DVD to potty train, do I? So Sunday night, I stripped Princess and put her on her potty, while we played with blocks. I sat on the floor next to her and we just played with her different shaped blocks, labeling them all and handing them back and forth...for like 30 minutes! I moved to the chair (we were in the office) and kept playing with her, and then she just got up and put the lid down and said "All Done" and she handed me her pants to put on her. So I told her to go get a diaper and she ran, got a diaper, and came back...only to pee right in front of the potty. Ugh! So I'm thinking at least she knows when she has to go, right? She just thinks that she has to go in a diaper. Fast forward to a few minutes ago, she starts pulling on her pants and saying help, so I took her pants and diaper off and sat her on the potty. She didn't want to sit on the potty. So she's standing in front of the potty playing, and pees on the floor! AGAIN! Both times, I sat her on the potty, told her she peed and she should pee in her potty. I told her next time to let me know when she has to pee and to sit on her potty. Princess obviously does NOT have Potty Power. She's never peed on the potty, and we're not really pushing the potty training right now...it seems that no matter how much I read, I just don't know how to teach her to use the potty.


Blogger April said...

Aww, she'll get it . . . eventually! It can be very frustrating. I think I told you with Matthew I went through something VERY similar. He would go intentionally on the carpet so he could see me use the green machine. Eventually, she'll feel the desire to go on the potty and not right in front of it. It just hasn't completely "clicked" all the way yet. Hang in there!

2/07/2006 10:47 AM  
Blogger JC said...

Little Guy runs from the potty but he knows that your suppose to go pee pee and poopy in there. He is starting to take all his clothes and diaper off but hasn't yet figured out to go and sit on the potty but like ppl keep telling me he just turned 2 in Nov don't push him. =)

2/07/2006 11:48 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

Are you using the small training potty or the actual toilet?
I found that both of mine never wanted to use the small potty but the actual toilet. I could say it was a wasted purchase but it doubles as a stool, so...they use that to hop up on the toilet (Lil'Buddy anyway).

You're doing the right thing by not pushing her and just letting her learn. She's getting it. She's just not fully there yet, don't worry she will be. Princess was 27-28 months when she just started going by herself with no help on the toilet. Went straight into Panties and never looked back. Buddy was a few months older but pretty much did the same, but we did enforce it with him....remember the store is out of diapers, yada yada yada! We found what worked for both of them, you will too!!

Good Luck Princess! Keep up the excellent job of Potty Training!

2/07/2006 2:46 PM  
Blogger ::Ali:: said...

GOOD LUCK PRINCESS!! You can do it girl!!
I agree, she will get it in her time with Mommy and Daddy giving her the umph! Both my boys were over 3 and that is ok! They weren't much over 3 but they were and they were both off the bottle earlier than one so I have heard that makes a difference with PTing..But I dont know!

2/07/2006 3:05 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

Thanks everyone! We bought a new toilet lid that has a built in child size seat, so she won't fall in...but she also has a potty chair. So, we're using both, kinda. She's still a little unsure of being up so high, so we're introducing the toilet slowly and she's had the potty seat since she turned 1, so she's definitely comfortable with it! She just doesn't quite understand what to do on it. She knows when she has to go, but I don't think she really knows that she can control it. I know she'll get there, I just keep hoping she'll just learn overnight! LOL

2/07/2006 4:09 PM  
Blogger Nae said...

Yep, she will go in her own time Blue. You will be amazed just because you try teaching and nothing seems to work. Oh but then out of the blue they are using the potty like a champ. :)
Hang in there, she will catch on soon enough.

2/07/2006 11:40 PM  
Blogger water said...

Don't stress about it Apple Juice was about 30 month old when she came up to me and said I am ready to be a big girl and that was it she was done with diapers, Monkey trained at 23 months but had a lot more accidents than Apple Juice. Chubs already will take her diaper off and go pee in the back yard, but only like to sit on her potty, she is in cloth and knows the instant she is wet and doesnt like it but won't pee in the big or little potty. So they are all different!!

2/08/2006 3:59 AM  
Blogger hilary said...

i introduced my girls to the potty at 18 mos and then just let the whole issue go until they were 3. by then, they were a lot more interested in getting out of their pull-ups and wearing big girl underwear.
like mary said, the potty was never a big incentive. they went straight from pull-ups to the toilet (although i did buy the little ring you can put on the seat so they don't fall in).

my advice is not to make too big a deal about it until she's three. that's what worked for me. :)

2/08/2006 9:26 AM  

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