Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Why Blog?

Why is it easier to blog than to send an email? I know who reads my blog (well, kinda), so why is it easier to post a blog entry than it is to email those same people? I guess posting it on the blog is less personal. I'm typing the same things, but am not directing them to anyone in particular. It's weird how much typing out your issues helps, especially when it's something you really don't want to tell anyone. I've had a very odd day today, and when I got home, I didn't want to talk about it. I still don't want to talk about it, which is why I'm not emailing any of you directly! But I'm now able to post about it...I think. We'll see when I get to the bottom and have to decide to Save or Publish. I typed this out when I first got home, I just posted it in Word because I wasn't ready to post here yet (when it's more personal, I type it in Word instead of sharing it). So here's what I posted earlier, and I'll post my update at the bottom (along with why I'm okay with posting it now and couldn't earlier).

Today was an odd day. I had an appt at 2:15 with my GYN. Jaws went with me. We wait for a few minutes and they tell me that Tricare won’t approve me for more visits because I have to be the one to call. What?! Okay, whatever, so I call. They take my number and tell me they’ll call back, but I won’t get my referral today. So I leave and we stop at Publix to get something for dinner before I drop Jaws off. Tricare calls back and has approved me for 10 more visits. So I call my doctor right away to reschedule and they say I can come right in! Wow, that was unexpected! So we head back to the doctor’s office and wait a while. The nurse comes in and gives me a paper sheet and tells me that the Dr wants to do an ultrasound on me. Okay, thought I was just here for a consult, but whatever! So I strip as Jaws hides behind the magic curtain. Woo Hoo! LOL I get my U/S and the Dr tells me that I have a ring of cysts on my ovaries. Apparently he was expecting thing (news to me!). So I find out that I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). He gives me a prescription for Aygestin to take for 10 days. After the 10 days, I should get my period and then call my Dr right away to announce the wonderful arrival! LOL Five days after that, he’ll put me on Clomid. When I get pregnant, I’ll start inserting this gel until I’m about 8 weeks along. I was NOT expecting things to go so quickly. So I start making the trek back. I dropped Jaws off at Winn Dixie (Publix didn’t have the formula for tonight, so we decided to just go to Winn Dixie on our way back) and went to CVS to drop off my prescription. Picked Jaws up and dropped her off at her house, then went back to CVS, picked up my prescription, went to McDonald’s to pick up dinner (too late to cook by this point), and finally arrived home at 6:30…5 hours AFTER I left for my original appointment. Whew! I’m so exhausted! I looked up orders online (they got updated today finally) and Mayport is available. But, Sailor has heard bad things about that ship and doesn’t want to go on it. Greece is still an option, so I ask him if he’s still wanting to go. I told him that if he wants, he can go to Greece, but I’m going with him when he goes to Illinois for IT school. So, just waiting til he talks to his career counselor and then we’ll see what’s gonna happen! I sooo hate the waiting!

Why couldn't I post this earlier? It really hit me when I was talking to the Dr today that something is wrong with me. I mean, I've known for MONTHS now that there was something wrong, and I confirmed a month ago that I had low Progesterone, but it didn't have a name, just not enough of a hormone. It didn't seem so...big. But now it has a name, and now I have just scared me. I know it's not a huge deal, and my Dr told me it's nothing to be concerned with, but I freaked. I don't want to have a "syndrome". I thought that I'd feel better knowing what the problem is because that means that it's treatable. And now we're going to actually treat it. But it didn't make me feel better, it just scared me. Can't I just ignore the whole "syndrome" part and just focus on the "it's just low hormones, no big deal"? I just can't. I can't ignore the cysts, I can't ignore the "syndrome". I talked it out with Sailor, cried a bit, and then read a funny email. Next step...CAKE! I'm feeling a little better now. I'm sure I'll feel even better after the cake. LOL I'm posting this now because I've talked it out and cried it out and looked it up online. According to what I've read, the symptoms are irregular menstrual cycles (check!), weight gain (okay, I gained weight when I got married, and haven't gotten rid of it, but really, no real weight gain lately, just a pound here and a pound there), and abnormal hair growth (luckily, no!). I also read that "the less symptomatic you are, the better you should respond to medication and treatment."** Okay, since I really only have one of those symptoms, that's good news, right? It's so freaking hard to be optimistic all the time, but seriously, I do try. Anyway, for some reason, reading that (and crying to Sailor) made me feel a little better. Better enough, at least, to post. Now, about the orders, I'm still not ready to talk about them. They're in the same post, but I really don't want to talk about them until I know more. We're not even telling family what's available yet, we're just trying to wait and see what we end up getting. Guess I'm hitting Publish...

**Info Quoted From Here


Blogger Mary said...

I'm so sorry Blue, I am glad to hear that the doctors are treating you well though and are getting you thru this as quick as they can!

You know we're here for you anytime!!

1/11/2006 10:44 PM  
Blogger JC said...

Reading this was like reading about myself. I know everything your going through. It's weird how different doctors treat the same thing differently my doctor put me on prometrium this time last time when I was trying to get pregnant with Little Guy she put me on provera. Blue I know we don't really know each other that well but I am here if you ever need to talk. I have my im names on MO if you ever need to. Hugs and good luck =) and think positive!!!

1/11/2006 11:57 PM  
Blogger Jaws said...

I'm glad I got to go with you today, so you weren't alone, and I wish i had known you were so upset about it. I was jsut so thrilled that you were gonan start trying again. I guess that overshadowed everything else. I'm sorry about that.
If you need anything, just let me know, I'm always here, though Im not quit so awake lately, wink*
*hugs* and I sooo hope you stay.

1/12/2006 12:05 AM  
Blogger water said...

Don't worry about the orders thing, it always seems to work out in the end. Plus you don't have to go right away if you are preggo, moving to Greece 8 months preggo could be fun. My friend moved to Italy at 34.5 weeks and had to deliever at a civilian hospital. She had no clue what the doc what saying, just that he was HOT! hehe
Don't worry about the 'syndrome' everything has a label these days, hell my kid is 'labeled' with a couple of titles. Right now she thinks it's cool! :o)
Sorry you had an odd day I hope tomorrow is better

1/12/2006 6:33 AM  
Blogger Blue said...

I'm not moving to Greece! He'd be going alone if that's where he chooses! LOL! I don't even think that's an accompanied tour, it definitely doesn't seem very welcoming to families, based on what I've read.

1/12/2006 10:33 AM  
Blogger Blue said...

Thanks, everyone! I know you're all here for me, and even if I don't talk to you about it, knowing I can does help! Thank you!

Java - I am so glad I have such a great Dr, he really is moving this along as quickly as possible and is really hoping to get to deliver my next baby!
JC - Thanks! I just might take you up on that offer, if all goes well, we might be pregnant together! How cool would that be? Our children are the same age, and our next children will be the same age!
Jaws - I'm so glad you were there with me! At first, I was in shock that we would actually be going through with it so quickly and was excited about that, and then I had time to stop and think and that's when it hit me hard.
Water and Desert - Thanks! I'm feeling much better today. I guess I just wasn't expecting a label, you know?

1/12/2006 10:41 AM  
Blogger April said...

Aww, I got your email this am, and am glad I checked here to see what was going on. I'm sorry it's a "sydrome" but at least you know how to identify it, and that it's common enough to have a name. The orders will work themselves out . . . don't stress about it. Nothing is worth the stress. (((Hugs)))

1/12/2006 11:11 AM  
Blogger JC said...

That would be awesome Blue I'm keeping my fingers crossed for us =)

1/13/2006 11:56 AM  
Blogger ::Ali:: said...

Hugs, Blue!!
I will keep you in my thoughts and fingers crossed you guys!!
I am glad to hear that the doc is trying to get you started so fast!

1/14/2006 2:38 PM  

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