Wednesday, October 19, 2005

New Orders

I'm impatiently waiting to pick new orders. We can start negotiating for them now. Problem is, Sailor is attempting to change rates, which is good, but it means that if he's able to change jobs, we won't get to keep whatever orders we pick now. But we still have to pick something we want and fight for something good in case something goes wrong and he doesn't get to change rates. If he does switch, he'll be going to school for a year in Great Lakes and then we'll get to pick orders again. Fun, fun! I really hope he gets it, though! I don't want to go to Great Lakes (especially just for a year, I'd hate to pack up all our stuff and move it all the way up there for a year), but I do want him to get this job. So he might be going alone, not sure yet. We're kinda just playing it by ear but still trying to plan at the same time for all the what ifs. First he has to take some tests to determine if he'll be able to go to the school. Fingers crossed! I just hate the not knowing. I'm excited about the change (part of me is, anyway), but frustrated that even when we pick orders, we won't really know where we're moving to.


Blogger water said...

I hope it works out for you guys. I hate the hurry up and wait, but I have a lifetime of it so I guess we just learn to deal, huh?!

10/19/2005 9:29 PM  

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